Irvine-Baker, Aisha Canfield, and Carolyn Reyes. 2022. Liberating Black Youth Across the Gender Spectrum Through the Deconstruction of the White Femininity/Black Masculinity Duality. In Carrie L. Buist and Lindsay Kahle Semprevivo. Queering Criminology in Theory and Practice: Reimagining Justice in the Criminal Legal System and Beyond. Bristol, UK: Bristol University Press. pp. 159-174. *please contact us for a copy.
Canfield, Aisha, Angela Irvine-Baker, Shannan Wilber, and Malachi Garza. 2020. “The Whole Youth Model: How Collecting Data About Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Gender Expression (SOGIE) Helps Probation and Youth Courts Build More Authentic Relationships Focused on Improved Well-Being.” LGBTQ Policy Journal, Harvard Kennedy School, Cambridge, MA. June 22. * this article is no longer available online.
Irvine-Baker, Angela, Jones, Nikki, and Canfield, Aisha. 2019. "Taking the 'Girl' out of Gender-Specific Programming in the Juvenile Justice System." American Review of Criminology, Volume 2, 2019. 321-336.
Irvine, Angela, and Canfield, Aisha. 2017. “Reflections on New National Data on LGBQ/GNCT Youth In the Justice System.” LGBTQ Policy Journal at the Harvard Kennedy School, Volume VII, 2016-17.
Irvine, Angela, Aisha Canfield, and Jessica Roa. 2017. “Developing Gender-Responsive Mental Health Programming For Lesbian, Bisexual, Questioning, Gender Nonconforming, and Transgender (LBQ/GNCT) Girls in the Juvenile Justice System with an Intersectional Lens.” Datchi, Corinne and Julie Ancis, Gender, Psychology, and Justice: The Mental Health of Women and Girls in the Legal System. New York: New York University Press.
Smoot, Naomi, and Angela Irvine. 2016. “Juvenile Justice: Increased Criminalization of Homelessness and It’s Impact on LGBTQ Youth in the Juvenile Justice System.” In At the Intersections: A Collaborative Resource on LGBTQ Youth Homelessness. Online resource published by the National LGBTQ Task Force and the True Colors Fund.
Yusuf, Aishatu, Angela Irvine, and James Bell. 2016. “Reducing Racial Disparities in School Discipline: Structured Decision-making in the Classroom.” In R. J. Skiba, K. Mediratta, & M.K. Rausch (Eds.), Inequality in school discipline: Research and practice to reduce disparities. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
Gender-Responsive Mental Health Programming For Lesbian, Bisexual, Questioning, Gender Nonconforming, and Transgender (LBQ/GNCT) Girls in the Juvenile Justice System with an Intersectional Lens.” Datchi, Corinne and Julie Ancis, Gender, Psychology, and Justice: The Mental Health of Women and Girls in the Legal System. New York: New York University Press.
Irvine, Angela, and Aisha Canfield. 2016. “The Overrepresentation of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Questioning, Gender Nonconforming, and Transgender Youth Within the Child Welfare to Juvenile Justice Crossover Population.” Journal on Gender, Social Policy, and the Law, 24(2): 243-261.
Butts, Jeffrey, Kathleen Tomberg, Jennifer Peirce, Douglas N. Evans and Angela Irvine 2016.. Reclaiming Futures and Organizing Justice for Drug-Using Youth. New York, NY: Research & Evaluation Center, John Jay College of Criminal Justice.
Irvine, Angela and BreakOUT!. 2015. “You Can’t Run From the Police: Developing a Feminist Criminology that Incorporates Black Transgender Women.” Southwestern Law Review 44 (3): 101-109.
Irvine, Angela. 2014. “Reversing the Criminalization of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Teens.” Huffington Post. May 9.
Irvine, Angela. 2014. Introduction to “Criminalization of Youth” in Catherine Hanssens, Aisha C. Moodie-Mills, Andrea J. Ritchie, Dean Spade, and Urvashi Vaid. A Roadmap for Change: Federal Policy Recommendations for Addressing the Criminalization of LGBT People and People Living with HIV. New York: Center for Gender and Sexuality Law at Columbia Law School: 36-37.
Irvine, Angela. 2011. “LGBT kids in the prison pipeline.” The Public Intellectual. May 2011. *This publication is no longer available online.
Irvine, Angela. 2010. “’We’ve Had Three of Them’: Addressing the Invisibility of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Gender Non-conforming Youths in the Juvenile Justice System.” Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 19 (3).
Garnette, Laura, Angela Irvine, Carolyn Reyes, and Shannan Wilber. 2010. “Improving the Health and Well Being of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Youth in the Juvenile Justice System.” n Promoting Health and Well Being in the Juvenile Justice System. Francine Sherman and Francine Jacobs, eds., John Wiley & Sons: Hoboken, NJ.