A trusted space for community solutions.
Amplifying strategies that cultivate social change through research, facilitation, and education.
Ceres Policy Research has partnered for over twenty years with community organizations to tell their stories. Whether you are looking to evaluate your organization, track the impact of your funding portfolio, conduct a community needs assessment, or report outcomes for a government grant, Ceres has the experience you need.
While we are meticulous, our work is not formulaic. Our research methods are a process of gathering data, stories, and experiences, both seen and below the surface with both quantitative and qualitative consideration
Honoring the ecosystem. Our approach centers the interdependency of people, communities and systems, and is guided by the belief that research should be disruptive but not destructive. We are committed to developing research tools and sharing findings in a way that is accessible, relatable and useful.
Utilizing organic research methods. Our research methods are marked by curiosity and iteration. While maintaining rigor, all of our work rests on building long-term relationships with our partners. Further, we expand our methods in order to adapt to the unique conditions of the environments in which we conduct our research.
Gleaning new ideas, practices, and opportunities for hope. At the end of our projects our partners are prepared to embark on a new path forward with an abundance of information, skills, and hope.
Ceres staff have provided education and training in many different forms for over twenty years. Staff have taught university classes, developed certificate programs, and led participatory action research projects grounded in critical pedagogy. (We can name universities or include logos)
Our training plants the seeds of knowledge and skills necessary to grow agencies and organizations into models for transformation and progress in their respective fields. It also grows self-sufficiency by encouraging the development of new experts within agencies and organizations to promote sustainability.
We currently offer the following types of certificate programs:
Program Evaluation
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Decolonizing Leadership
Supporting System-Impacted LGBT Youth
Ceres has over twenty years facilitating community coalitions. Our facilitation encourages:
Cross pollinating. We gather community members to create common ground, exchange wisdom and sow new ideas.
Cultivating community. We help organizations extend their networks and make connections that are vital to the sustainability of growth and change.
Monitoring growth. We work with partners to co-develop benchmarks to measure outcomes and growth.
Forecasting challenges and solutions. We draw from lessons learned, best practices and innovation to anticipate challenges and co-create solutions.
Who we are.
Ceres Policy Research is named after the ancient Roman goddess, “Ceres.” As the goddess of fertility, agriculture and harvest, she was considered the patron to farmers and protector of the common people, who looked to her for a bountiful harvest that would feed the entire community. Additionally, she was the protector of the laws and rights of the working class.
Drawing from the Goddess Ceres' understanding of the connections between nature and humans, Ceres Policy Research's approach is inspired by natural cycles of change, which occur in fractals—in the smallest relationships before our individual practices transform society. Further, we know that growth can occur more rapidly as we recognize our interdependent relationships with the people and environments around us.
In this spirit, Ceres Policy Research utilizes research to harvest the wisdom of communities to harness their power and uplift their people.

Our work promotes the vision, progress, and wholeness of our communities and partners.